Lenore Washington

Lenore Washington

Female. Lives in Houston, Texas, United States.
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Lenore Washington
Can someone tell me if she’s pregnant or not
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Lenore Washington
Any info on a pregnant female pit? She tied once so would she be pregnant?
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Lenore Washington
Yeah this will be the first litter if she’s pregnant. It’s been 2 weeks and a few day since they tied
Like April 2, 2021
Oh you will be seeing some changes if so especially in the next 7 days. They front nips will start to look like flatten balloons. Hopefully she was successful. Good luck
Like April 2, 2021
Also, I call it temperature changes but the temperament will be more opposite than normal. My ladies of our kennel tolerate me when not pregnant but when they are I'm their best friend. Increase in food defense is another clue.
Like April 2, 2021
Lenore Washington
Yeah I have another female she’s 4 months. When she goes by her food bowl my older dog will bully her over the food
Like April 2, 2021
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